SOLD OUT – Garden Conversation with Linda Churchill

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The SFBG is excited to announce our very own Director of Horticulture, Linda Churchill, will be speaking at our Garden Conversation’s breakfast at Weldon’s Museum Hill Cafe, on July 14th, from 8:30-10:30 am. Linda will be discussing tips and ideas on how to Create a Pollinator Garden. After the conversation and breakfast, please join Linda on a walk through the Garden where you can explore pollinator attracting plants and catch a glimpse of early pollinators.
Linda learned to love nature from her earliest childhood, gardening and exploring the world through regular family “nature walks” and other outings. Linda and two colleagues formed their own design-build landscape partnership, where she developed skills in many areas of garden design and maintenance.  Linda has been active with the Santa Fe Botanical Garden as a board member, docent, volunteer, or horticultural advisor since 1998.  Her position now as Director of Horticulture keeps her happily engaged with the plants, volunteers, and staff of the Garden.  She believes in creating gardens where people of all ages can connect to the awe and beauty of the natural world now and in the future.
Ticket Sales for Members open June 14th. Tickets for non-members opens June 17th for non-members. The event is limited to 35 people.
Sponsored by Weldon’s Museum Hill Café.

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