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SEPTEMBER : swainsonpea: Sphaerophysa salsula

Scientific name: Sphaerophysa salsula Suggesting pronunciation: S-fair-ee-o-FY-sa  sal-SU-la Common names: swainsonpea, Austrian pea, red bladder-vetch Family: Fabaceae (pea family) By Jeanne Gozigian Last spring was the first time I saw this pretty, deep red/orange/maroon flower growing along the walking path of my community lying along [...]

APRIL : golden bell : Forsythia species

Scientific name: Forsythia species, Forsythia x intermedia Suggested pronunciation:  for-SITH-ee-aa  in-ter-MEE-dee-uh Common names:  Forsythia, golden bell, Easter tree Family:  Oleaceae - olive (suggested pronunciation: oh-lee-AY-see-ee) Forsythia in bloom. Photo by Janice Tucker. USDA Plant Zones 5-8 Text by Janice Tucker Photos by Janice [...]

JANUARY : Jupiter’s beard : Centranthus ruber

Scientific name:  Centranthus ruber (pronounced sen-TRAN-thus  ROO-ber) Common names: Jupiter’s beard, red valerian, keys-to-heaven, kiss-me-quick Family name:  Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle)  (pronounced cap-ree-foh-lee-AY-see-ee) Jupiter's Beard in full bloom. Photo by Janice Tucker. Article by Janice Tucker. Photos by: Janice Tucker and Sonny Tucker Wouldn’t [...]

JULY : Rocky Mountain beeplant : Cleome serrulata

Scientific name: Cleome serrulata (Pursh) (klee-OH-me ser-yoo-LAY-tuh) Synonym: Peritoma serrulata (per-eye-TOH-muh) Common names: Rocky Mountain beeplant, bee plant, bee spider plant and others Plant family: Cleomaceae (spider plant) (klee-ohm-AY-see-ee) Other Plant families mentioned:  Capparaceae (caper) (kap-ar-AY-see-ee), Brassicaceae (mustard)  (brass-ih-KAY-see-ee) Article and photos by Janice Tucker [...]

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