Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Santa Fe Botanical Garden at Museum Hill is officially approved as a “project” of the Santa Fe Master Gardener Association! Longtime friends & supporters, the Master Gardeners are ready to “dig in” and join us in creating a center of learning for the community about horticulture and the local Santa Fe gardening environment.

Master Gardeners and Interns will participate in staffing an “Ask a Master Gardener” table in the Garden’s entry area to provide information and respond to gardening questions from the public. In addition, they will serve as docents, identifying and describing the specific fruit trees, perennial shrubs, natives, and xerics in the Garden and their cultivation techniques to visitors.  Detailed plant identification guides will be provided by SFBG for reference.

Goal: “To promote the Santa Fe Master Gardener Association & its volunteers as a community educational resource.   We will help educate visitors to the Santa Fe Botanical Garden in general gardening principles and respond to any gardening & plant questions the public at large may have.”

Read more and visit their website: http://sfmga.org/santa-fe-botanical-gardens

Thanks Master Gardeners!!